FALA Video Case Studies
Learn how a small business in New York’s Hudson Valley is training people with disabilities for careers in advanced manufacturing.
FALA Technologies (FALA) is a family-owned manufacturing and engineering company based in Kingston, NY that specializes in making industrial equipment for semiconductor, aerospace, and green energy technologies. In order to stay competitive and create a pipeline of talent with the skills, knowledge, and experience the company needs to meet its goals, FALA partnered with a local nonprofit organization to develop a pre-apprenticeship program for people with disabilities.
An innovative pre-apprenticeship program is training people with disabilities for careers in advanced manufacturing and helping ensure that a family-owned small business has the skilled workforce it needs to succeed, now and in the future.
Introduction (Audio Described)
FALA Technologies Commitment to Disability Access
Learn what lead FALA to partner with the Resource Center for Accessible Living (RCAL) to develop a pre-apprenticeship program to train people with disabilities for careers in advanced manufacturing. Meet some FALA employees with disabilities and find out about the many skills and abilities they bring to the workplace.
FALA Technologies Commitment to Disability Access (Audio Described)
FALA Technologies STEPs Pre-Apprenticeship Program for People with Disabilities
Learn more about the STEPs pre-apprenticeship program and the benefits it offers to both the company and program participants.