Look through our publications and download them in PDF format.
For Employers
Accessible and Authentic Interviews for Candidates with Disabilities
Learn how to ensure your organization's interview process is accessible and welcoming to candidates with disabilities.
Building a Talent Pipeline
Learn about key steps in building a talent pipeline that includes people with disabilities.
Centralized Accommodation Programs (CAP) in Practice
This checklist provides an overview of the essential components of a centralized accommodation program.
Checklist: Health Care Plans that Support Mental Health
Use this checklist to assess your organization's health care plan and ensure it is mental health-friendly.
Communicating the Benefits of Self-Identification: Five Steps to Success
Learn the five steps to success to communicate the benefits of self-identification of disability.
Company Website Disability Messaging: Observations of Job Seekers with Disabilities
Learn about the outcomes of focus groups with job seekers with disabilities regarding website content and messaging.
Creating an Accessible Workplace: The Role of Accommodations (Learning Guide)
Learn about the important role accommodations play in creating supportive workplaces.
Disability Outreach Messaging: Assessment Checklist for Career Pages
Learn how to ensure your organization's career pages are using messaging and outreach techniques that are welcoming to job candidates with disabilities.
Encouraging Applicants with Disabilities: Job Descriptions and Announcements (Checklist Explainer)
Find tips for writing accessible job announcements and descriptions.
Encouraging Applicants with Disabilities: Job Descriptions and Announcements (Checklist)
Use this tool to review your organization's job descriptions and announcements for accessibility.
Fostering Accessible Workplaces Through Employee Resource Groups
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are considered an exemplary practice that businesses can leverage to foster a workplace culture that supports disabled employees. This factsheet explores how ERGs can benefit employees and employers alike.
Hiring and Supporting Neurodivergent Workers: Strategies for Success (Learning Guide)
Read the companion piece to EARN's webinar “Hiring and Supporting Neurodivergent Workers: Strategies for Success,” which took place on August 17, 2022, to learn about strategies employers can use to attract, retain and advance neurodivergent workers.
Increasing Disability Employment: Centralized Accommodation Programs as a Best Practice
Learn how centralized accommodation programs (CAPs) consolidate accommodation services and funding to improve outcomes for workers with disabilities.
Interns with Disabilities: Maximizing the Internship Experience
Explore four components of a successful internship program for students with disabilities.
Lead the Way: Merck's Supportive Business Culture
Learn how Merck is supporting employee mental health.
Mentally Healthy Workplaces Checklist
This checklist reviews the 4 A's of a mental health-friendly workplace.
Mentoring Student Interns with Disabilities
Find ideas for being a supportive mentor for interns with disabilities.
Neurodiversity Hiring: Checklist for Organizational Success
This checklist summarizes some of the lessons learned from successful neurodiversity hiring programs.
Partnerships to Build Your Talent Pipeline
Learn about the important role partnerships play in identifying candidates with disabilities and how to collaborate effectively with key community organizations.
Planning an Accessible Meeting or Event
This checklist outlines steps to take to ensure the accessibility of online or in-person meetings or events.
Professional Development and Advancement of Employees with Disabilities
The research brief explores effective strategies for retaining and advancing employees with disabilities.
Putting Research into Practice: Online Outreach Strategies for Attracting Job Seekers with Disabilities
This research-to-practice brief explores how targeted online outreach to job candidates with disabilities is an effective talent strategy.
Retaining Valued Employees with Disabilities: The Importance of Performance Coaching and Management (Learning Guide)
Learn about effective strategies to ensure you are engaging employees with disabilities in meaningful dialogues about workplace performance.
Supporting Digital Accessibility in the Public and Private Sectors
Explore strategies that have been identified by research as promising practices to help ensure digital accessibility in organizations.
Transportation and Workplace Flexibility
Find out how workplace flexibility benefits employees who face barriers getting to and from work.