Organization-Wide Accessibility: Everyone Plays a Part
Learn about effective strategies employers can use to develop and sustain a fully accessible workplace.
Accessibility is the foundation of a welcoming, supportive workplace. To ensure access for all employees, organizations must focus on and prioritize all aspects of accessibility, including physical and digital accessibility. Examples include barrier-free access to buildings and accessible information and communication technologies, including websites and online job applications.
To support all employees, including those with disabilities, it’s important that staff at every level understand and embrace a holistic and organization-wide accessibility plan. With an “Accessibility is Everyone’s Responsibility” attitude, organizations will yield numerous benefits including increased productivity, a wider applicant talent pool, long-term employee retention and a larger often more loyal customer base. In addition, employers with positive, welcoming attitudes toward accessibility can strengthen their organization’s overall belonging efforts.
In this webinar, panelists will offer effective strategies employers can use to develop and sustain a fully accessible workplace. Topics to be discussed include:
- The importance of whole-organization accessibility;
- Strategies for initiating, developing, and sustaining an organization-wide
accessibility plan; - Generating buy-in from all employees at all levels; and
- Creating an organization where “Accessibility is Everyone’s Responsibility.”
- James Deignan, Accessible Technology Specialist, Texthelp
- Naomi Tyre, Director, Workplace Accommodations and NGCare, Northrop Grumman
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM Eastern