AskEARN | EARN Newsletter: June 2024 Skip to main content

EARN Newsletter: June 2024

Chatting with Experts and More!

EARN in Action

Chatting with Experts

Join EARN in July for two informative webinars on exciting and timely topics.

On July 24, 2024, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. ET, EARN and experts from the Climate Jobs Institute (CJI) at Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) will hold a discussion on inclusive pathways to hire people with disabilities into clean energy jobs such as the development of pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship opportunities for people with disabilities, inclusive career readiness programs, skills training, and more.

Research shows that accommodations are low in cost and positively impact the workplace in many ways—in fact, 56% cost nothing! On Wednesday, July 31, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:15 p.m. ET, EARN and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) will host the third webinar in our small business series "The Low Cost and High Impact of Accommodating Employees.”

Supporting Workers’ Well-Being

EARN is celebrating Employee Wellness Month. Creating a welcoming and supportive workplace for all employees, including workers from Generation Z, is crucial to recruiting, hiring, retaining, and advancing qualified talent in the future. The COVID-19 pandemic deepened the ongoing mental health crisis, with nearly half of 18-24-year-olds reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression, whether they are employed or not. Learn more about creating supportive environments for all workers in this age group with EARN’s archived webinar and new learning guide “Supporting the Well-Being of Gen Z Workers.”

Promoting Mental Health Awareness in Workplaces

EARN has several resources to help employers create mental health-friendly workplaces including our webinar recording, “Strategies to Promote Culturally Competent Mental Health Awareness in Workplaces.” Experts shared insights on employers’ practices that consider the mental health and well-being of youth who are transitioning into the workforce, with a particular focus on youth of color. The discussion highlighted the importance of mental health and trauma-informed practices in relation to talent acquisition and workforce retention processes.


Disability Employment in the News

Introducing the 2024 National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) Theme

The U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) recently announced this year’s NDEAM theme: “Access to Jobs for All.” NDEAM is observed each October to celebrate the contributions of America’s workers with disabilities and showcase inclusive workplace policies that benefit both employers and employees. Check out the announcement video from ODEP’s Assistant Secretary Taryn Williams to learn more!

Including Neurodivergent Employees in the Federal Government

Neurodiversity describes the natural way that people think, learn, perceive the world, interact, and process information differently. The new Neurodiversity@Work Playbook Federal Edition outlines the importance of including neurodiverse people in the federal workforce and details steps to recruit, hire, and retain these employees.

Fueling Advocacy in the Workplace

May was Mental Health Awareness Month. To recognize the importance of mental health-friendly workplaces, ODEP interviewed Marissa Ditkowsky, an attorney whose personal and professional experiences with mental health informed her path to advocating for more supportive workplace cultures.

Commemorating Juneteenth

June 19 marked the 159th anniversary of the end of slavery in the United States. Known as Juneteenth, officially Juneteenth National Independence Day, this day is a time to reflect on our past and look toward a more welcoming, inclusive future. The National Alliance of Melanin Disabled Advocates (the NAMED Advocates) offers a discussion guide focused on the question “How do you imagine Black disabled people during Juneteenth?” Download the discussion guide and explore the National Museum of African American History and Culture’s Juneteenth Digital Toolkit for more information on the federal holiday.


Q: I am an employer looking to make sure my workplace is inclusive of people who identify as members of the LGBTQI+ community and the disability community. Where do I start?

A: EARN can help! People with disabilities who are also members of other marginalized communities, such as the LGBTQI+ community, have intersecting identities. EARN’s “Intersectionality in the Workplace” research-to-practice brief offers employers guidance to support employees with intersecting identities including relevant statistics and action steps. Check it out today!

Support Employees with Intersecting Identities

Employer Spotlight

Microsoft Logo

Preparing Recruiters for Inclusive Interviews

Microsoft has a long history of recruiting, hiring, and retaining employees with disabilities, and believes hiring a diverse population of employees enhances its products and workplace. One of the ways they prepare to recruit people with disabilities is by providing New Recruiter Orientation training which focuses on teaching general disability etiquette to all employees, including its managers and leadership.

The content in this newsletter does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Mark Your Calendar

July 2024

Observance: Disability Pride Month and the Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Celebrated every July, Disability Pride Month is a time to recognize the history, achievements, and experiences of the disability community. What’s more, July 26 marks the day the ADA was signed into law, landmark legislation that paved the way for people with disabilities to access and participate in all aspects of life.

July 2024

Observance: Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of the unique challenges that racial and ethnic minorities in the United States face when it comes to mental health.

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