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Expressing a Commitment to Disability Employment

Learn about effective strategies for communicating your organization's commitment to disability employment.

Expressing a commitment to creating a workplace that welcomes the skills and talents of people with disabilities is one of the easiest ways to foster a supportive culture.

7 Ways to Express a Commitment to Disability Employment

  1. Develop and communicate policy statements and other illustrations of the company’s commitment to the employment of workers with disabilities. For example, “Business is becoming increasingly global. As [COMPANY NAME] continues to expand, our differences—from our culture and work habits, communication style and personal preferences—are becoming even more essential to our business strategy. We are working hard to create an environment in which all employees are valued and respected, including those with disabilities.”
  2. Establish an enterprise-wide team consisting of executives, managers and employees with disabilities to support and advance the recruiting, hiring, retention and advancement of people with disabilities. This team may also function as a disability-focused employee resource group (ERG).
  3. Make (and publicize) the “business case” for hiring people with disabilities. For example, framing the issue in communication with managers, leadership, etc. in terms of return on investment and direct and indirect benefits to the company and its employees, such as higher productivity, lower absenteeism and turnover, and increased employee morale.
  4. Include disability as part of all of the company’s policies and activities. This includes using the words “disability” and “people with disabilities” in statements defining the company’s policies, inviting disability organizations and people with disabilities to company events in the community, and recognizing that people with disabilities are part of the company’s other communities.
  5. Affirm in policy statements the company’s commitment to employing qualified people with disabilities and taking steps to recruit, hire, retain and advance workers with disabilities at all levels.
  6. Encourage employees with disabilities, and their coworkers and managers, to identify access issues and individual and company-wide concerns without fear of retribution, and offer mechanisms to allow them to provide this information anonymously or confidentially.
  7. Establish a universal policy offering workplace flexibility and accommodations for all applicants and employees, with and without disabilities.

Phases of Employment

Recruit Hire Retain Advance